What is Neurotoxicity?
Neurotoxicity occurs when the exposure to natural or manmade toxic substances (neurotoxicants) alters the normal activity of the nervous system. This can eventually disrupt or even kill neurons, key cells that transmit and process signals in the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Neurotoxicity can result from exposure to substances used in chemotherapy, radiation treatment, drug therapies, and organ transplants, as well as exposure to heavy metals such as lead and mercury, certain foods and food additives, pesticides, industrial and/or cleaning solvents, cosmetics, and some naturally occurring substances. Symptoms may appear immediately after exposure or be delayed. They may include limb weakness or numbness; loss of memory, vision, and/or intellect; headache; cognitive and behavioral problems; and sexual dysfunction. Individuals with certain disorders may be especially vulnerable to neurotoxicants.
Is there any treatment?
Treatment involves eliminating or reducing exposure to the toxic substance, followed by symptomatic and supportive therapy.
What is the prognosis?
The prognosis depends upon the length and degree of exposure and the severity of neurological injury. In some instances, exposure to neurotoxicants can be fatal. In others, patients may survive but not fully recover. In other situations, many individuals recover completely after treatment.
What research is being done?
Scientists are investigating the role occupational or environmental toxicants have on progressive neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and dementia. Also being studied are the mechanisms that trigger neuroimmune responses in the central nervous system and the possibility that some brain disorders in children may occur when environmental triggers interact with genes.
Solvent neurotoxicity 溶剂神经毒性
Organic solvents are widely employed in industry and are used in large quantities across the world. A solvent can be defined as “a liquid that has the ability to dissolve, suspend or extract other materials, without chemical change to the material or solvent”. Organic solvents are so widely used in the modern world as to be ubiquitous and are employed in paints, pharmaceuticals, degreasants, adhesives, printing inks, pesticides, cosmetics, and household cleaners. Commonly used solvents include, isopropanol, toluene, xylene, solvent mixtures such as white spirits and the chlorinated solvents, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, and perchloroethylene. In Europe alone, approximately 300 000 metric tonnes of chlorinated solvents are sold each year. The United Kingdom's Health and Safety Executive estimate that 8% of the working population regularly use organic solvents. The largest end user is the coatings industry where solvents play an important role in the quality and durability of paints and varnishes. The volumes of organic solvents used in some industries, for example dry cleaning, are declining, largely due to equipment and process improvements. Increasingly solvents are recovered and recycled, partly in response to environmental controls on volatile organic compound (VOC) discharges. In addition, environmental legislation has led to a growth in the use of water based paints both in North America and in Europe at the expense of more traditional, solvent based coatings. The Montreal Protocol of 1987 was a landmark in environmental regulation and led to the production of a number of ozone depleting solvents being restricted or phased out. The protocol arose from concerns about the adverse impact of some solvents, including chlorofluorocarbons, on tropospheric ozone. Recently, 1‐bromopropane, a solvent introduced to replace ozone depleting agents such as 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (methylchloroform), has been shown to be neurotoxic in humans.
有机溶剂在工业量广泛使用,在世界范围也用量巨大。溶剂可以定义为“有能力溶解、悬着、或萃取其它物质,且对该物质及自身不产生化学变化的液体”。有机溶剂在现代世界应用如此广泛几乎无处不在,其用于油漆、制药、脱脂剂、黏胶剂、油墨、杀虫剂、化妆品、以及家具清洁剂等。常用溶剂包括,异丙醇、甲苯、二甲苯、混合溶剂如溶剂油和氯代物溶剂,氯甲烷、三氯乙烷、和四氯乙烷等。仅在欧洲,每年销售大约30万吨氯代物溶剂。英国健康与安全局估计工作群体中8%经常接触有机溶剂。有机溶剂的最大应用是涂料行业,其中溶剂对油漆和上光剂的质量和耐久性起到重要作用。在有些行业中有机溶剂的使用量在下降,比如,干洗业,主要是因为设备和工艺的改进。溶剂也越来越多地被回收和再生,部分是为了响应对挥发性有机化合物VOC排放的环保减排要求。此外,欧洲和北美的环保立法还引导了水性涂料使用量的增长,以取代传统的溶剂型涂料。1987年蒙特利尔公约是环保立法的里程碑,产生了对若干臭氧耗蚀性溶剂生产的限制或淘汰。公约是由对某些溶剂负面效应的担忧而缘起的,其中包括氯氟碳CFC对对流层臭氧的负面影响。近来,1-溴代丙烷 1-bromopropane,一种被引入取代臭氧耗蚀性物质三氯乙烷1,1,1‐trichloroethane (甲基氯仿) 的溶剂,却被发现对人类有神经毒性。
Solvents are volatile agents and, in general, occupational exposures occur by inhalation of solvent vapour. However, dermal exposure is important in some industries such as painting and industrial degreasing. Dermal uptake may contribute a significant fraction of the total body burden of solvents in workers employed in these sectors; the example of a worker whose dermal exposure to the solvent xylene would contribute more than 50% of their total body burden is reported.
Acute health effects
The acute health effects of organic solvents reflect their central nervous system effects and include headache, dizziness, and light‐headedness progressing to unconsciousness, seizures, and death. Eye, nose, and throat irritation may also occur with exposure to solvent mixtures. Abuse of organic solvents remains a problem, especially among deprived youngsters who use lighter fuel, glues, and household chemicals to obtain a “high”. While the abuse of adhesives has declined over time, other agents of abuse, such as butane lighter fuel, have increased as a proportion of all volatile substance abuse deaths. Every year in the United Kingdom around 65 children die following such abuse. From an occupational perspective workplace solvent exposure may progress to abuse in some workers.
The hazards of acute exposure are well recognised but fatalities still occur where poor working practices create the conditions for intense exposure in confined spaces. In the United Kingdom six people died between 1985 and 1996 in incidents involving solvent degreasing tanks (see fig 2). A failure to appreciate the volatile nature of solvents and to take appropriate precautions can lead to a risk of fire and explosion. A number of tragedies have occurred where an ignition source has been used in a confined space in close proximity to solvent vapour with predictable, and sometimes fatal, results.
Figure 2 An industrial degreasing tank containing methylene chloride. This tank is fitted with a roller cover to reduce solvent vapour release into the work environment during operation. A number of workers have died when safe systems of work ...
Long term health effects
A number of long term adverse effects of solvents have been described including leukaemia in benzene exposed workers, scleroderma (mixed solvents), and renal cancer in those exposed to chlorinated hydrocarbons. While the association between benzene and leukaemia is well established, other solvent effects, such as those on the nervous system, are more controversial. Early studies in Scandinavia suggested that long term, high level, solvent exposure might be associated with a syndrome of personality change, memory impairment, and neurological deficits variously termed chronic toxic encephalopathy (CTE), the psycho‐organic syndrome or solvent neurotoxicity. Some termed this “Danish painter's syndrome” although there was little evidence that the syndrome was so restricted, either by geography or occupation. Several early studies had methodological flaws and have since been heavily criticized. Weaknesses of these studies included poor quality exposure surrogates such as ever/never exposed and a failure to adjust for confounders such as age or pre‐morbid IQ. It seems likely that some studies had significant biases and early attempts to reproduce these findings out with Scandinavia were unsuccessful, casting doubt on the existence of this syndrome.
One of the many difficulties with early research into solvent neurotoxicity was the lack of an agreed definition of the syndrome. The Nordic Council of Ministers and the World Health Organisation sponsored a conference in 1985 in Denmark that produced a definition of solvent neurotoxicity, which was subsequently revised at a meeting in North Carolina later that year (see table 2). These criteria are important not only for researchers but also for clinicians for several reasons. If a diagnosis of solvent neurotoxicity is established then withdrawal from exposure can prevent further harm to the individual worker. Secondly, these criteria indicate likely prognosis and so are helpful in advising both the worker and their primary care physician. Thirdly, such a diagnosis can alert the employer to the need for improved workplace hygiene measures and so protect other workers.
早期溶剂神经毒性研究的众多困难之一是对综合症缺乏公认的定义。1985年北欧部长你会议与世界卫生组织资助在丹麦召开了一次会议,制定了溶剂神经毒性的定义,当年在北卡罗莱纳的另一会议上对其又做了相应的修订。在很多方面这些指征不仅对研究者,也对临床工作者都很重要。如果诊断确认发生溶剂神经中毒,脱离接触可以阻止对个体工人的 进一步损伤。其次,这些指征揭示了可能的后遗症,因而对工人和初次接诊者有指导作用。第三,此诊断标准可警示雇主需要对需要对工作场所卫生措施予以改进以保护其他工人。
Categorisation of solvent neurobehavioural effects
Type | Symptoms | |
Type 1 | Symptoms only | Symptoms include impaired memory, poor concentration, fatigue, and reduced motivation. Where exposure ceases these non‐specific symptoms will resolve. |
Type2A | Sustained personality or mood change | Altered personality with lowered mood, reduced motivation, poor impulse control, anxiety, and irritability. |
Type2B | Impairment in intellectual function | Neuropsychological testing shows cognitive deficits affecting attention/concentration, visuospatial skills, and verbal memory. There may be minor neurological signs. If exposure ceases some recovery is likely but full recovery may not occur. |
Type 3 | Dementia | Cognitive impairment is often accompanied by neurological deficits. Nerve conduction studies, electromyography, or neuroradiology (CT or MRI scanning) may identify abnormalities. Deficits do not usually worsen if withdrawn from further exposure. |
1类 仅有症状 记忆力受损、注意力下降、疲劳、活力下降等。接触消除,此类非特定症状可消失。
2A类 持续性人格情绪变化 性格改变伴情绪低落;活力下降;冲动控制力下降;焦虑;易怒。
2B类 智力功能受损 毒性-心理测试显示认知缺陷,影响注意力、集中度、视觉反应、语言记忆等。
3类 痴呆 认知受损,常伴有神经内科病变。
More recent, well designed studies suggest that in heavily exposed workers, solvents may have subtle effects on cognitive function. The cognitive domains affected by solvent exposures include attention, verbal memory, and visuospatial skills. There is some evidence that solvent neurotoxicity is commoner among those with at least 10 years of occupational exposure to solvents. Whether the important determinant of adverse effects is the lifetime (cumulative) exposure, the intensity of exposure or peaks of exposure remains unclear. An area for further research is the development of better estimates of peak exposures to address this question.
The mechanism by which solvent mixtures exert their adverse effects on the nervous system is uncertain but it is suspected that the metabolism of solvents to toxic intermediates may be important. Attempts to identify the responsible agent are made more difficult as many workers are exposed to industrial grade solvent mixtures of varying composition and purity. The heterogeneous nature of the chemicals classified as solvents poses a problem when comparing the many studies of solvent health effects. There is some evidence that genetic polymorphisms affecting the activity of enzymes that metabolise foreign chemicals may influence the risk of solvent neurotoxicity.
Peripheral neuropathy and solvents
There is strong evidence that some solvents may cause peripheral neuropathy. Clinically this presents with symptoms in the feet and lower legs before progressing to involve the hands. Symptoms are those of a sensorimotor neuropathy with altered sensation, loss of vibration perception, impaired proprioception leading to impaired balance, and distal muscle wasting.
The most researched agent is n‐hexane (the n stands for “normal” hexane to distinguish it from the isoforms of hexane, 3‐methyl pentane, 2‐methyl pentane, and 2,3‐methyl butane) which has been associated with outbreaks of peripheral neuropathy in furniture manufacture, printers, and shoe makers. Methyl n‐butyl ketone was shown to be neurotoxic following an outbreak of peripheral neuropathy in an Ohio textile printing plant. Subsequent animal studies showed that n‐hexane and methyl n‐butyl ketone share a common neurotoxic metabolite, 2,5‐hexanedione. There is some evidence that commonly used ketones (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and methyl isobutyl ketone) may potentiate the toxicity of n‐hexane and other solvents, a finding that raises doubts about the widely used method of calculating mixed solvent exposures based on the additivity of exposures. Other solvents have been implicated as peripheral neurotoxins including carbon disulphide, styrene, and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane. The evidence for these latter associations is relatively weak; given the wide usage of some of these substances many more cases of peripheral neuropathy might be anticipated.
最受深入研究的物质为正己烷,其与家具制作工、印刷工、制鞋工等群体中多次爆发的周围神经疾病有关。甲基丁基酮由于在美国俄亥俄州一家纺织印染厂造成周围神经疾病而被列为神经毒物。后续的动物研究表明,正己烷与甲基丁基酮都产生同样的神经毒性代谢物,2,5-己二酮。有证据显示,广泛使用的酮类 (丙酮、甲基乙基酮MEK、甲基异丁基酮MIBK) 可能会增强正己烷和其它溶剂的毒性,此发现从而对广为采用的,基于接触叠加性估算混合溶剂接触量方法的质疑。其它被内定为周围神经毒物的溶剂还有,二硫化碳、苯乙烯、三氯乙烷。后面这几个的相关证据还比较弱,由于这些物质的广泛使用,可以预计今后会出现更多周围神经疾患的例证。
Special senses and solvents
The special senses, taste, sight, and smell may be affected by exposure to solvents. Many, but by no means all, studies have found mild acquired colour vision losses in solvent exposed workers. The impairment is generally subtle, and affected workers are typically unaware of altered colour perception. Unlike congenital colour “blindness”, which is commoner in men and is usually a protan or deutan defect (red–green colour blindness), acquired colour vision losses are frequently tritan, sometimes termed “blue–yellow” loss. These tritan losses may progress to affect red–green colour vision. The practical relevance of such sub‐clinical effects is questionable and at present these findings remain in the realm of research.
Key points