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你的健康你的安全 - 致工友 Your Health Your Safety (HSE, UK)

你的健康你的安全 致工友

Your health, your safety - A brief guide for workers



This information is from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in collaboration with the Trades Union Congress (TUC). HSE works to protect the health, safety and welfare of workers by enforcing health and safety law and offering advice and support. The TUC represents 55 trade unions with more than six million members. It campaigns for fairness and decent standards at work.



If you are an employee (full or part time, temporary or permanent), this information explains what your rights are, what you should expect from your employer, what responsibilities you have and where to go for help.



It also applies to you if you are a young person doing work experience, an apprentice, mobile worker or homeworker, or a migrant worker (even if you are working in the UK without permission).



If you are a temporary, casual or agency worker, your agency, gangmaster or contractor needs to co-operate and communicate with the business that is using your services (the hirer) to ensure your health and safety is managed effectively.



If you are a volunteer and want further information about your health and safety, visit



Your health and safety 你的健康你的安全

You have the right to:

■ work in places where all the risks to your health and safety are properly controlled;

■ stop working and leave the area if you think you are in danger;

■ be consulted on matters related to your health and safety at work;

■ inform your employer about health and safety issues or concerns;

■ contact HSE or your local authority, if you still have health and safety concerns, without getting into trouble;

■ join a trade union and be a safety representative;

■ paid time off work for training if you are a safety representative;

■ a rest break of at least 20 minutes if you work more than six hours at a stretch and to an annual period of paid leave; 

■ suitable and sufficient toilets, washing facilities and drinking water;

■ adequate first-aid facilities.



  • 工作于所有对你健康与安全的风险得到恰当控制的场所

  • 在你认为身处危险时停止工作并离开该区域

  • 提出有关你工作健康安全事务的意见并得到听取

  • 将有关健康与安全的问题或顾虑告知你的雇主

  • 如仍有健康安全方面的顾虑,直接联系健康与安全执行局或地方机构,而不致陷于麻烦

  • 参加工会并成为安全监督代表

  • 在成为安全监督代表后带薪离职参加培训

  • 长时间工作超过六小时后有至少20分钟休息;且每年有一个时期的带薪休假

  • 获得合适充足的卫生清洗设施、饮用水

  • 获得恰当的急救器材设施

You must:

■ take care of your own health and safety and that of people who may be affected by what you do (or do not do);

■ co-operate with others on health and safety, and not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided for your health, safety or welfare;

■ follow the training you have received when using any work items your employer has given you.



  • 对自身健康和安全负责,也对可能受你所做(所不做)的事情影响的人员的健康和安全负责

  • 在健康与安全方面与他人合作,不妨碍,或滥用,可保护你健康、安全和福利的任何东西

  • 在使用雇主给予的任何工作器具时遵循你受到的培训的要求


Employer responsibilities

Your employer must:

■ tell you how to do your job safely in a way that you can understand, and tell you about the risks to your health and safety from current or proposed working practices;

■ tell you how any risks will be controlled and who is responsible for this;

■ consult and work with health and safety representatives and employees to protect everyone from harm in the workplace;

■ tell you how to get first-aid treatment and what to do in an emergency.




  • 以你能理解的方式告诉你如何安全从事工作,告诉你当前或将要进行的工作对你健康和安全的风险

  • 告诉你任何风险如何得到控制,以及由谁负责控制

  • 咨询健康安全代表及员工,并协作,以确保工作场所内所有人避免危害

  • 告诉你如何得到急救处理以及紧急情况下如何处置


Your employer must provide, free of charge:

■ training to enable you to do your job safely;

■ any equipment and protection necessary for you at work (such as clothing, shoes or boots, eye and ear protection, gloves, masks etc) and ensure it is properly looked after;

■ health checks if there is a danger of ill health because of your work;

■ regular health checks if you work nights and a check before you start.



  • 培训,以帮助你安全地从事工作

  • 你工作时必要的设备和防护 (比如工作服、工作鞋/靴、眼耳保护、手套、面具等),并确保这些已经过恰当的核查

  • 如你工作有疾害风险的,健康检查

  • 如你工作为夜间的,定期健康检查;并在开始工作前,就做初次检查


Your employer must provide you with the following information:

■ the health and safety law poster (, which must be displayed in a prominent place, or as an alternative, they can provide each worker with a copy of the equivalent pocket card. This should give the contact details of people who can help;

■ their health and safety policy statement;

■ an up-to-date Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) certificate visible in your place of work. 



  • 健康安全法规公示板,必须摆放在醒目位置;或者,作为替代,人手一册的公示册。其中须提供能提供帮助的人士的详细联系方式,

  • 雇主的健康安全决策申明

  • 最近的雇主责任险(强制性的)证书,摆放于工作场所醒目位置

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