Responsible Care is the global chemical industry's commitment to the safe management of chemicals throughout their life cycle, while promoting their
role in improving quality of life and contributing to sustainable development.
As a signatory to the Responsible Care Global Charter my company will actively
strengthen the Responsible Care initiative worldwide and is committed to:
Responsible Care 尽责尽心是全球化学工业界的共同承诺,要对化学品的整个循环过程实现安全管理,同时,提升自身在改善生活质量、贡献可持续发展方面应发挥的作用。作为尽责尽心全球约章的签字人,本公司将在全球范围推进尽责尽心倡议,并承诺,
A Corporate Leadership Culture that proactively
supports safe chemicals management through
the global Responsible Care initiative
建立企业领导层氛围以积极主动地通过Responsible Care尽心尽责倡议支持安全的化学品管理。
Safeguarding People and the Environment by
continuously improving our environmental, health
and safety performance; the security of our facilities,
processes and technologies; and by driving
continuous improvement in chemical product safety
and stewardship throughout the supply chain
Strengthening Chemicals Management Systems by
participating in the development and implementation
of lifecycle-oriented, sound-science and risk-based
chemical safety legislation and best practices
Influencing Business Partners to promote the safe
management of chemicals within their own operations
Engaging Stakeholders, understanding and
responding to their concerns and expectations for
safer operations and products and communicating
openly on our performance and products
Contributing to Sustainability through improved
performance, expanded economic opportunities
and the development of innovative technologies
and other solutions to societal challenges
Company 公司
CEO 签字 Date 日期
Approved by the ICCA Board of Directors, May 29, 2014
国际化学工业协会理事会ICCA董事会 2014年5月29日批准