Responsible Care is the chemical industry's global initiative to drive continuous improvement and achieve excellence in environmental, health, safety and security performance.
Responsible Care 尽责尽心是化学工业界的全球倡议,用以推动自身不断改进并达到环境、健康、安全、安防各方面的卓越水平。
Responsible Care embraces the development and application of sustainable chemistry, helping our industry contribute to sustainable development while meeting the world's growing need for essential chemicals and the products those chemicals make possible.
Responsible Care 尽心尽责倡议积极吸纳可持续型化工科学的发展和应用,以帮助化工界贡献于可持续发展,同时满足世界对基础化学品及这些化学品可制造的产品的不断增长的需求。
Launched in 1985 by the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, and practiced today in around 60 national chemical manufacturing associations and thousands of chemical manufacturing sites worldwide, Responsible Care is an essential part of ICCA’s contribution to the United Nations' Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM).
Responsible Care 尽责尽心倡议于1985年由加拿大化学工业协会发起,至今已由全球60个国家化学工业协会及成千上万处生产基地予以践行,并已成为国际化学工业协会理事会ICCA贡献于联合国“国际化学品管理战略途径(SAICM)”的基本部分。
The foundation of industry's commitment to SAICM is the Responsible Care Global Charter. First published in 2006, the ICCA Board approved a new, strengthened Global Charter, along with implementation guidance, in May 2014, to respond more effectively to current stakeholder expectations and address industry challenges. Company CEOs signing the Charter are expected to implement Responsible Care in their own organizations and lead implementation efforts worldwide. As of October 2015, leaders from 536 global chemical manufacturing companies, including 90% of the world’s top 100 petrochemical and chemical manufacturers, had signed on to the revised Charter.
化学工业界对SAICM的郑重承诺的基础,是“尽心尽责全球约章” (Responsible Care Global Charter)。该约章2006年首次公布以后,ICCA委员会于2014年5月批准了更新更充实的版本,以及相应的实施指南,以积极响应现有各利益相关方的期许,应对化学工业界面临的挑战。企业CEO们签署该约章后应在各自机构中予以实施,并引领世界各地的实施行动。到2015年10月,全球536家化工制造企业的领导者,包括世界100强石化和化工制造企业中的90%,已经签署了更新版的约章文件。
Responsible Care also has fostered the development of the ICCA Global Product Strategy (GPS), which seeks to improve industry’s management of chemicals and communicate information about chemical risks throughout the supply chain. Through Responsible Care, the chemical industry is tracking and reporting its progress on critical elements of product stewardship and making further improvements to its current processes.
Responsible Care 尽责尽心倡议也助长了“ICCA全球产品规划(GPS)”的进展,该规划旨在改进工业界化学品管理以及供应链内化学品风险信息的传播。通过Responsible Care尽责尽心倡议,化工界可以跟进并展示其在产品指导活动关键节点的进展,并努力改进现有的工艺。
At the national level, member associations are responsible for implementing Responsible Care in their countries. Individual national programs are at different stages of development with different emphases, and are monitored and coordinated by the ICCA Responsible Care Leadership Group.
在成员国层面,理事会成员负责各自国家Responsible Care尽责尽心倡议的实施。各国项目发展程度不同、各有侧重;也通过ICCA Responsible Care尽责尽心倡议领导小组进行观察和协调。
The Responsible Care network continues to expand to new regions, countries and companies, fostering capacity building, sharing of environmental, health, safety and security information and employing an increasingly rigorous system of checklists, performance indicators and verification procedures.
Responsible Care 尽责尽心倡议的网络不断扩展到新的地区、国家和企业,助力于开发潜能,分享环境、健康、安全、安防信息,落实愈益严密的检查清单、成效指标、核查流程等制度建设。