Emco Wheaton
Off-Highway Fueling Nozzle
Emco Wheaton 专业设计制造液体产品输运器材已逾五十多年。其专注于满足客户的特定需求,并以此不断推动自身技术创新和发展,从而开发出全系列解决方案,从而得以满足世界各地最苛刻的应用要求。
Emco Wheaton designed the G2266 Series for off-highway and mining operations where high-speed fueling, dust and dirt protection, spillage elimination and automatic shut off are required. The G2266 Series has a job tested performance record of demanding fueling service. In addition, personnel safety is greatly improved by permitting ground-level fueling of vehicles. And refueling is easy. Engaging or disengaging the nozzle requires only seconds. Everything else is automatic. That means your refueling operator can check oil and water and perform other servicing while the vehicle is being fueled.
EmcoWheaton G2266工程车辆燃油下装自闭阀设计用于工程及矿山车辆运行操作,特别是要求快速加油、防尘防污、消除滴漏、自动切断等性能的场合。G2266在这些严酷要求的燃油加注工况久经考验。此外,地面加油也使人员安全得以大为改善。燃油加注因此而容易。对接、脱离仅只需几秒;余皆自动。这也使用户的加油操作员得以检查油、水,在车辆加油同时顺带其它操作。