a) 密封点存在渗液、滴液等可见的泄漏现象;
b) 设备与管线组件密封点的VOCs泄漏检测值超过表1规定的泄漏认定浓度 (5000µmol/mol,重点地区500µmol/mol)”
(1) 有机气体和挥发性有机液体流经的设备与管线组件,泄漏检测值大于等于2000µmol/mol;
(2) 其它挥发性有机物流经的设备与管线组件,泄漏检测值大于等于500µmol/mol。
上述泄漏认定浓度,与VOCs控制减排的先进,100µmol/mol(ppm) (美国环境保护署EPA),还有若干倍的距离。
With an estimated 60% of fugitive emissions attributed to valves it is easy to see EPA's attention is on valve emissions reduction. Traditionally valve stem leakage was a visible event. Improvements in packing materials and design lead to non-visibly leaking valves.
散逸排放的60%估计源自阀门,因此很容易看到EPA(美国环境保护署)的关注点集中于阀门的减排。 传统上,阀杆泄漏是一种肉眼可见的现象。填料盘根材料和设计的改进使之转为不再显见。
In today's world, government regulations drive measurement of valve leakage to the molecular level in parts per million (ppm). These extremely low vaporous emissions required packing manufacturers to evaluate their product performance to the latest EPA standards for Low E Valve Packing Technology.
当前,政府法规将阀门泄漏的探测推向了分子水平,以百万分之一(ppm)为单位。 这些极低的挥发排放量要求填料盘根制造商评估其产品性能,使其符合最新的EPA低逸Low-E盘根技术标准。
Definition 定义
The terms we have become familiar with are “Certified Low-Leaking Valves” and “Certified Low-Leaking Valve Packing Technology” as defined by the EPA in consent decrees. In more current consent decrees, new valves entering will be required to be certified as “Low E Technology”. A “Low-E Valve “is defined as:
人们逐步熟悉的术语是EPA在其同意令中定义的“经认证的低泄漏阀”和“经认证的低泄漏阀填料盘根技术”。 在当前其它的同意令中,将要求新引入的阀门需认证为“低逸Low-E技术”。“低逸阀”的定义是:
“A valve (including its specific packing assembly) or valve packing for which the manufacturer has issued a written warranty that it will not emit fugitives at greater than 100 ppm, and that, if it does so emit at any time in the first five years, the manufacturer will replace the valve; provided however, that no valve shall qualify as "Low-E" by reason of written warranty unless
制造商已作出书面质保的阀门(包括其特定的填料组件)或阀门填料,其将不会散逸大于100 ppm的散逸泄漏物,并且如果在前五年的任何时间散发出散逸物, 制造商将更换阀门;
(i) the valve (including its specific packing assembly) either:
(a) first was tested by the manufacturer or a qualified testing firm pursuant to generally-accepted good engineering practices for testing fugitive emissions and the results of the testing reasonably support the warranty; or
(b) is as an Extension of another valve that qualified as "Low-E";
i) 该阀门(包括其特定的填料组件):
(a) 首次由制造商或合格的测试公司根据公认的良好工程实践对散逸排放进行测试,并且测试结果可信地支持该质保 ; 或者
(b) 是作为具有“低逸Low-E”认证的另一个阀门的延展;
(ii) A valve (including its specific packing assembly) that:
(a) Has been tested by the manufacturer or a qualified testing firm pursuant to generally-accepted good engineering practices for testing fugitive emissions and that, during the test, at no time leaked at greater than 500 ppm, and on Average, leaked at less than 100 ppm; or
(b) Is an Extension of another valve that qualified as ‘Low-E’.”
ii) 某阀门(包括其特定的填料组件):
(a) 已经由制造商或合格的测试公司根据公认的良好工程实践对散逸排放进行测试,并且测试过程中泄漏量从未超过500ppm,且平均值小于100ppm,或者
(b) 是作为具有“低逸Low-E”认证的另一个阀门的延展
This current definition of Low E Valve Technology adds test documentation to this requirement. Manufacturers have offered this warranty without supporting test data. Today there are reputable packing and valve manufacturers that can meet these low emission level requirements and documentation to assist valve manufacturers in achieving Low E requirements.
Test Protocols 测试方案
Many existing test protocols are designed to measure the performance of valves and packing products. The two most commonly used protocols are API standards and ISO 15848-1. The API standards utilize methane as the media and Method 21 to measure emissions while the ISO test typically uses helium as the media with vacuum as the leak detection method. It is important to note the EPA only recognizes emission testing conducted utilizing Method 21.
许多现有测试方法旨在测量阀门和填料盘根产品的性能。最常用的两个方法是 API 标准和 ISO 15848-1。API 标准利用甲烷作为介质,“方法21” 测量排放,而 ISO 测试通常使用氦气作为真空介质作为泄漏检测方法。需要注意的是,EPA 只认可使用“方法21” 进行的排放测试。
API 622 fugitive emissions test protocol evaluates the performance of a valve packing in a specified test fixture, number of strokes and temperature cycles while monitoring emissions in ppm. This protocol allows for average leakage measurements up to 500 ppm and one retorque throughout the test. The test is not a pass or fail, but determines if a packing completed the test without exceeding these limits.
API622 散逸排放测试方法评估阀门盘根在指定测试夹具中、指定开关次数和温度循环下的性能,并以ppm为单位监测排放。该方法允许在整个测试期间平均泄漏测量值达500ppm,以及一次重紧。测试结果不是“通过”或“失败”,而是确定盘根能否在未超过这些限值的情况下完成测试。
The API 624 valve fugitive emissions test protocol is soon to be published. This standard sets the limit of 100 ppm emissions from the valve and no retorques are allowed. The standard also requires valve manufacturers to use an API 622 tested and qualified packing in this test. Not all API 622 qualified packings will be able to meet the API 624 requirements.
API 624 阀门散逸物排放测试方法即将发布。此标准设定了阀门 100 ppm 排放的限制,不允许进行重紧。该标准还要求阀门制造商在此测试中使用经过 API 622 测试且合格的盘根。并非所有 API 622 合格盘根都能够满足 API 624 要求。
Starting with a valve packing qualified to API 622 with a maximum leakage of below 50 ppm and no retorques is important. Factors such as surface finish, tolerances and valve design will affect packing performance. When selecting a packing that has a maximum leakage of below 50 ppm allows for these factors and gives the valve manufacturer a better chance of meeting the API 624 requirements.
选用符合API 622的阀门盘根,最大泄漏率低于 50 ppm,并且不进行重紧,尤为重要。表面光洁度、公差和阀门设计等因素会影响盘根的性能表现。只有选择最大泄漏低于 50 ppm 的盘根,才能融合这些因素,并使阀门制造商更有机会满足 API 624 要求。
Converting to Low E Technology 迈向低逸Low-E技术
As a valve manufacturer, adapting the Low E Technology as a standard for your equipment puts you in the position to provide the latest in valve packing sealing. Since Low E packings seal to such a tight standard, using them for all services allows you to offer the latest in sealing technology to all your users. A few forward thinking valve manufacturers have taken the lead to convert all their valves to Low E Technology. This is a benefit to their customers with a variety of valves ( some requiring Low E technology, while others are exempt as they are not in VOC and VHAP services). This standardization minimizes confusion and the need for the customer to keep two sets of valves (one for Low E services and one for all others). It also prevents installing the wrong valve in a Low E Technology required process.
作为阀门制造商,将低逸Low-E技术作为自己产品的标准,可使自己处于提供最新的阀门盘根密封性能的有利地位。由于低逸Low-E盘根密封达到如此严格的标准,因此将它们用于所有工况,可以向所有用户提供最新的密封技术。一些前瞻性思维的阀门制造商已率先将其所有阀门转换为低逸Low-E技术。这对于拥有各种阀门的客户是一个好处(有些需要低E技术,而另一些则是豁免的,因为他们不在VOC和VHAP工况中)。此项标准化最大限度地减少了混乱,以及客户需要保留两套阀门(一套用于低 E 服务,另一套用于所有其他阀门)的负担。它还可防止在需要低逸Low-E阀技术的工艺中安装错误的阀门。
Valve and packing manufacturers have the opportunity to be proactive in supplying Low E Technology to their customers. The EPA is knowledgeable of the current state of Low E technology and will no longer accept the argument that low emission valve technology is unavailable. Incorporating Low E Packing in your valves addresses the growing need in the emissions valve market as more consent decrees are issued and EPA enforcement is stepped up.
阀门和盘根制造商有机会积极主动地为客户提供低逸Low-E技术。EPA 了解低逸Low-E技术当前进展,不再接受低排放阀技术不可获取的论辩。在人们所用的阀门中采用低逸Low-E盘根反映了EPA发布更多同意令及其执法力度增强形势下对低逸散排放阀日益增长的需求。