Hazardous Environment Pollutants
Industrial emissions and Fugitive emissions bring with not only hazardous air pollutants (HAP), that is toxics in air, but hazardous environment pollutants, such as Volatile organic compounds (VOC) and Greenhouse Gas (GHG), that are lethal to the environment.
Fugitive emissions are invisibly but substantially leaking into the atmosphere from the entire flow of production, storage and transportation processes of materials originally intended for the well-being of human.
"Volatile organic compounds (VOC)" means any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonic acid, metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate, which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions. (EPA 1992)
Photochemical reactions produce smog, which is a mixture of pollutants that are formed when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react to sunlight, creating a brown haze above cities. Smog reduces visibility and contains oxidants, such as ozone (O3), that cause respiratory problems, eye irritation and damage to plants. It is a mixture of variable amounts of ozone, reactive hydrocarbons VOC, nitrogen oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), aldehydes, peroxyacetyle nitrate (PAN) and other components.
The other source of smog, or classic smog, consists primarily of a mixture of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter (i.e., "soot") usually derived from burning coal, occurs mostly during cold winter days. In addition, sand storm and dust contribute heavily to particular matters in smog.
各类能在大气中参与光化学反应的碳的合成物 – 一氧化碳、二氧化碳、碳酸、金属碳化物或碳酸盐、碳酸铵等除外。美国EPA (1992)
在20 ℃下,饱和蒸气压大于0.01MPa的所有有机物 – 欧盟EU
The two major primary pollutants, nitrogen oxides and VOCs, combine to change in sunlight in a series of chemical reactions, to create what are known as secondary pollutants.
The secondary pollutant that causes the most concern is the ozone that forms at ground level. While ozone is produced naturally in the upper atmosphere, it is a dangerous substance when found at ground level. Many other hazardous substances are also formed, such as peroxy-acetyl nitrate (PAN).
二级污染物中最令人担忧的是地表形成的臭氧。臭氧在高层大气能自然形成,但在地表则是一种危险物质。地表臭氧不仅对健康有害,还作为强氧化物参与并加速了光化学反应,从而促进生成更多的大气污染物。其它还有很多危害物质形成,例如,过氧硝酸乙酰酯 (硝酸盐PAN)。
Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), mainly from the combustion of fossil fuels, particularly in power stations and motor vehicles, can be broken down by sunlight to form nitric oxide (NO) and an oxygen radical (O). Oxygen radicals can then react with atmospheric oxygen (O2) to form ozone (O3). Ozone is consumed by nitric oxide to produce nitrogen dioxide and oxygen. This is a continual cycle that leads only to a temporary increase in net ozone production.
To create photochemical smog on the scale observed in many cities around the globe, the process must include Volatile organic compounds (VOC's). VOC's react with hydroxide in the atmosphere to create water and a reactive VOC molecule. The reactive VOC can then bind with an oxygen molecule to create an oxidized VOC. Oxygenated organic and inorganic compounds (ROx) react with nitric oxide to produce more nitrogen oxides. When VOCs are present, nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide are consumed more quickly, allowing the build-up of ground level ozone.
Harmful products, such as PAN, are also produced by reactions of nitrogen dioxide with various hydrocarbons (R), which are compounds made from carbon, hydrogen and other substances. The main source of these hydrocarbons is the VOCs.
In early 90’s, the Photochemical Ozone Creating Potential (POCP) was introduced and the subsequent modeling found that the maximum ozone difference and the 96-hour average ozone concentration gave the most consistent POCP values. On a 96-hour average, ethene and acrolein were found to be very efficient ozone producers, followed by higher alkenes, aromatics, alkanes, and ethers. Alcohols and ketones were found to be weaker ozone producers.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) resulting from the direct release to the atmosphere of GHG compounds from various types of equipment and processes are fugitive emissions.
The rapid expansion of natural gas development has been a double-edged sword. While natural gas supporters are quick to point out its economic benefits and green attributes - natural gas produces roughly half the carbon dioxide emissions of coal during combustion - this isn’t the whole story. Natural gas comes with environmental consequences, including risks to air and water quality.
天然气开发的高速发展已经成为一把双刃剑。一方面,天然气支持者能容易地列举其经济效益和绿色贡献 – 天然气燃烧过程只产生燃煤一半的二氧化碳 – 但这不是故事的全部。天然气也有环境影响,包括空气和水体风险。
One risk is “fugitive methane emissions” potent greenhouse gases that escape into the atmosphere throughout the natural gas development process – from extraction, processing, to transportation, unloading, storage and refueling. This methane - which is 25 times stronger than carbon dioxide over a 100-year time period and 72 times stronger over a 20-year timeframe - contributes to global warming and undercuts the climate advantage that cleaner-burning natural gas has over coal and diesel.
风险之一就是“无组织甲烷排放”强效温室效应气体从天然气开发链各个环节逸漏至大气 – 从开采、加工、运输、卸运、储存到加注。这部分甲烷 – 其温室效应在100年跨度上比二氧化碳强25倍,20年跨度上强72倍 – 造成全球变暖,抵消了其作为比煤和油清洁的能源对气候产生的益处。
Recent studies estimate U.S. leakage rates in the range of 2 - 3 percent of total production, with some published estimates as high as 7 percent. To put that in perspective, at a 2 percent leakage rate, more than 6 million metric tons of methane escape into the atmosphere in one year--an amount equivalent to the annual emissions of roughly 120 million cars. In fact, 6.9 MMt of methane is equivalent in impact to 172 MMt of CO2 over a 100-year time horizon. That’s greater than all the direct and indirect GHG emissions from iron and steel, cement, and aluminum manufacturing combined.
近期研究估算美国的逸漏率占总产量的2-3%量级,其它一些发表的估算则达7%。从这个角度看,仅以2%的逸漏率,每年就有超过6百万吨甲烷逸漏至大气 – 相当于大约1.2亿辆轿车的排放量。实际上,在100年跨度上,六百九十万吨甲烷相当于1.72亿吨二氧化碳的温室效应。这大于整个钢铁、水泥、铝行业相加产生的直接或间接温室气体排放量。
Historically, air conditioning and refrigeration equipment utilized various Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs), primarily chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). However, in accordance with the Montreal Protocol, these ODSs are being phased out of manufacture and use in the world.
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and, to a lesser extent, perfluorocarbons (PFCs) are used as substitutes for the regulated ODSs. In addition, some air conditioning and refrigeration systems use non-halogenated refrigerants such as ammonia, carbon dioxide (CO2), propane, or isobutane. Also, some fire suppression equipment, which historically used ozone-depleting halons, use carbon dioxide (CO2), inert gases, and other substances.
Emissions from the refrigeration and air conditioning sector result from the manufacturing process, from leakage and service over the operational life of the equipment, and from disposal at the end of the useful life of the equipment. These gases have 100-year global warming potentials (GWPs), which are typically greater than 1,000 times that of CO2, so their potential impact on climate change can be significant. By the same token, any reductions of these gases can have a large potential benefit.
Global Warming Potentials 全球变暖指数 GWP (GWP值按气候变化政府间小组2007年第四次评估报告)
*100-year GWPs from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (2007)
Common Name 通用名称 | Formula分子式 | GWP* |
Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 | CO2 | 1 |
Methane 甲烷 | CH4 | 25 |
Nitrous oxide 氮氧化物 | N2O | 298 |
Sulfur hexafluoride 六氟化硫 | SF6 | 22,800 |
Nitrogen trifluoride 三氟化氮 | NF3 | 17,200 |
HFC-23 | CHF3 | 14,800 |
HFC-32 | CH2F2 | 675 |
HFC-125 | C2HF5 | 3,500 |
HFC-134 | CHF2CHF2 | 1,100 |
HFC-134a | C2H2F4 | 1,430 |
PFC-14 | CF4 | 7,390 |
PFC-116 | C2F6 | 12,200 |
PFC-218 | C3F8 | 8,830 |
PFC-318 | c-C4F8 | 10,300 |