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  • 强氧化剂的危害
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  • 氮气的危险及防范
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  • 危险物料的储存与运输
  • 沸腾液体膨胀蒸气爆炸(BLEVE)
  • 化学品危害性分类与标识
  • 化学品危害性其它标识方法
  • 化学品燃爆反应危害及防范
  • 化学品失控反应危害与防范-失控聚合-苯乙烯
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  • 化学品遇水反应危害与防范-硅烷
  • 化学品失控反应危害与防范-失控分解-有机过氧化物
  • 工作场所危害与防范-蒸汽
  • 工作场所危害-登高作业

Risk and Safety Statements 风险和安全陈述

欧洲从2001年起实行“Risk and Safety Statements风险和安全陈述”的标识方式。在很多国家得到推行,并在目前流通的物料及MSDS表上仍可以找到。比如,R23R45等。

风险和安全陈述,也称为危险类别码,R / S说明,R / S号码,R / S短语和R / S短句,是危险化学品和化合物标签的危险代码和短语系统。

化合物的R / S声明包括风险部分(R)和安全部分(S),每个都是数字的组合。 每个数字对应一个短语。

R短语/ S短语 (R-Phrase / S-Phrase) 由欧盟Directive 2001/59/EC指令定义;并在欧盟Directive 2006/102/EC中进一步更新。

2015年,欧洲从2001年起实行的“Risk and Safety Statements风险和安全陈述”标识方式体系将由“联合国全球化学品统一分类和标签制度”(GHS)中的危害及预防陈述方式所取代。

鉴于欧洲“Risk and Safety Statements风险和安全陈述” 标识体系的广泛流传和长期存在,其标识体系中各代码短语对照详列于文后,备查。

NFPA Hazard Codes (NFPA 704 diamond)

The National Fire Protection Association developed a standard label to display chemical hazard ratings. The NFPA label is required by many institutions, industries, and municipalities, and is found on most new chemical reagent containers.  The left diamond is printed in blue and indicates toxicity (health hazard), the top diamond is printed in red and indicates flammability, the right diamond is printed in yellow and indicates reactivity. The bottom diamond is printed in white and is reserved for special warnings such as radioactivity or reactivity with water.

美国国家消防协会NFPA制定有标准标签,以显示化学危害等级。 NFPA标签被许多机构,行业和市政当局指定采用,并且可在大多数新的化学试剂容器上找到。菱形标签左侧以蓝色显示,表示毒性(健康危害),菱形标签顶部为红色,表示易燃性,菱形标签右侧以黄色印制,表示反应性。菱形标签底部以白色显示,保留用于特殊警告,如放射性或与水的反应性。各颜色区的数字,则代表该危害性质的级别。

Chemical storage codes are designed to make the public aware of hazards associated with chemicals being stored. The NFPA 704 diamond displays chemical storage codes in an easy-to-read format. Below are details of chemical storage codes, but first are chemical groups. Chemical groups should be stored separately from one another. The groups are: Metals, Acids, Bases, Oxidizers, Flammables, Poisons, Explosives, Reactives, Cyanides and Sulfides, and Low Hazards. 
Note: According to chemical storage codes, Ammonium Nitrate is considered an oxidizer, but should be stored separately from all other chemicals.

Chemical storage should be accompanied by chemical storage codes using an NFPA warning sign. This warning sign displays the hazards associated with the chemical storage using chemical storage codes that include colors, numbers, and symbols.

Below we describe the meanings of these signs:

 化学品存储代码旨在使公众了解与所储存的化学物质相关的危害性。NFPA 704菱形标签以易于阅读的方式显示化学品存储代码。 化学品存储规范具体来说首先是化学品分组。分组的化学品应彼此分开储存。这些组是:金属,酸,碱,氧化剂,易燃物,毒药,爆炸物,反应物,氰化物和硫化物,以及低危害组。注意:根据化学品存储规范,硝酸铵归类为氧化剂,但应与所有其他化学品分开储存。


Storage Codes:

Some manufacturers provide color-coded labels to categorize chemicals for storage purposes. Chemicals with a common storage color may be stored together, except when indicated otherwise. Chemicals with different storage color labels should be stored in different areas. The following is a commonly accepted code.

Storage code Red      Flammable.  Store in area designated for flammable reagents.

Storage code Yellow Reactive and oxidizing.  May react violently with air, water, or other substances.  Store away from flammable and combustible materials.

Storage code Blue      Health hazard.  These chemicals are toxic if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. They should be stored in a locked cabinet.

Storage code White    Corrosive.  These chemicals may harm skin, eyes, mucous membranes. They should be stored away from red, yellow, and blue-coded reagents.

Storage code Gray      Moderate or minimal hazard.  According to current data, these chemicals do not pose more than a moderate hazard in any category.


一些制造商提供单纯带色彩的标签以分类化学品用于存储目的。具有共同存储颜色的化学品可以一起存储,除非另有说明。具有不同储存颜色标签的化学品应存放在不同的地方。 以下是普遍接受的代码。

存储代码       红色       易燃                     存放在指定易燃试剂的地区

存储代码       黄色       反应性和氧化性     可能会与空气,水或其他物质发生剧烈反应。应远离易燃易燃物品。

存储代码       蓝色       健康危害。            如果吸入,摄入或吸收皮肤,这些化学物质会有毒性。应存放在锁定的机柜中。 

存储代码       白色       腐蚀性                  这些化学物质可能会伤害皮肤,眼睛和粘膜。应远离红色,黄色和蓝色编码的试剂。

存储代码       灰色       中等或最小的危险  根据目前的数据,这些化学品在任何类别中都不构成适度的危害。

附录 -

欧洲“Risk and Safety Statements风险和安全陈述”R-Phrase 风险短语  S-Phrase 安全短语

R1    Explosive when dry.

R2    Risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other source of ignition.

R3    Extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition.

R4    Forms very sensitive explosive metallic compounds.

R5    Heating may cause an explosion.

R6    Explosive with or without contact with air.

R7    May cause fire.

R8    Contact with combustible material may cause fire.

R9    Explosive when mixed with combustible material.

R10  Flammable.

R11  Highly flammable.

R12  Extremely flammable.

R13  Extremely flammable liquefied gas

R14  Reacts violently with water.

R15  Contact with water liberates extremely flammable gases.

R16  Explosive when mixed with oxidizing substances.

R17  Spontaneously flammable in air.

R18  In use, may form inflammable/explosive vapour-air mixture.

R19  May form explosive peroxides.

R20     Harmful by inhalation.

R21     Harmful in contact with skin.

R22     Harmful if swallowed.

R23     Toxic by inhalation.

R24     Toxic in contact with skin.

R25     Toxic if swallowed.

R26     Very toxic by inhalation.

R27     Very toxic in contact with skin.

R28     Very toxic if swallowed.

R29     Contact with water liberates toxic gas.

R30     Can become highly flammable in use.

R31     Contact with acids liberates toxic gas.

R32     Contact with acid liberates very toxic gas.

R33     Danger of cumulative effects.

R34     Causes burns.

R35     Causes severe burns.

R36     Irritating to eyes.

R37     Irritating to respiratory system.

R38     Irritating to skin.

R39     Danger of very serious irreversible effects.

R40     Limited evidence of a carcinogenic effect.

R41     Risk of serious damage to the eyes.

R42     May cause sensitization by inhalation.

R43     May cause sensitization by skin contact.

R44     Risk of explosion if heated under confinement.

R45     May cause cancer.

R46     May cause heritable genetic damage.

R47     May cause birth defects

R48     Danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure.

R49     May cause cancer by inhalation.

R50     Very toxic to aquatic organisms.

R51     Toxic to aquatic organisms.

R52     Harmful to aquatic organisms.

R53     May cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.

R54     Toxic to flora.

R55     Toxic to fauna.

R56     Toxic to soil organisms.

R57     Toxic to bees.

R58     May cause long-term adverse effects in the environment.

R59     Dangerous to the ozone layer.

R60     May impair fertility.

R61     May cause harm to the unborn child.

R62     Risk of impaired fertility.

R63     Possible risk of harm to the unborn child.

R64     May cause harm to breastfed babies.

R65     Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.

R66     Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking.

R67     Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.

R68     Possible risk of irreversible effects.


Combinations 组合短语

R14/15             Reacts violently with water, liberating extremely flammable gases

R15/29             Contact with water liberates toxic, extremely flammable gases

R14/15/29        Reacts violently with water, liberating toxic, extremely flammable gases

R20/21             Harmful by inhalation and in contact with skin

R20/22             Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed

R20/21/22        Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

R21/22             Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed

R23/24             Toxic by inhalation and in contact with skin

R23/25             Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed

R23/24/25        Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

R24/25             Toxic in contact with skin and if swallowed

R26/27             Very toxic by inhalation and in contact with skin

R26/28             Very toxic by inhalation and if swallowed

R26/27/28        Very toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

R27/28             Very toxic in contact with skin and if swallowed

R36/37             Irritating to eyes and respiratory system

R36/38             Irritating to eyes and skin

R36/37/38        Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin

R37/38             Irritating to respiratory system and skin

R39/23             Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation

R39/24             Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skin

R39/25             Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects if swallowed

R39/23/24        Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation and in contact with skin

R39/23/25        Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation and if swallowed

R39/24/25        Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skin and if swallowed

R39/23/24/25   Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

R39/26             Very Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation

R39/27             Very Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skin

R39/28             Very Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects if swallowed

R39/26/27        Very Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation and in contact with skin

R39/26/28        Very Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation and if swallowed

R39/27/28        Very Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects in contact with skin and if swallowed

R39/26/27/28   Very Toxic: danger of very serious irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

R42/43             May cause sensitization by inhalation and skin contact

R45/46             May cause cancer and heritable genetic damage

R48/20             Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation

R48/21             Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skin

R48/22             Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowed

R48/20/21        Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and in contact with skin

R48/20/22        Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and if swallowed

R48/21/22        Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skin and if swallowed

R48/20/21/22   Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

R48/23             Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation

R48/24             Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skin

R48/25             Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowed

R48/23/24        Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and in contact with skin

R48/23/25        Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation and if swallowed

R48/24/25        Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure in contact with skin and if swallowed

R48/23/24/25   Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed

R50/53             Very toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

R51/53             Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

R52/53             Harmful to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment

R68/20             Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects through inhalation

R68/21             Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects in contact with skin

R68/22             Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects if swallowed

R68/20/21        Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects through inhalation and in contact with skin

R68/20/22        Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects through inhalation and if swallowed

R68/21/22        Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects in contact with skin and if swallowed

R68/20/21/22   Harmful: possible risk of irreversible effects through inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed



S1                Keep locked up

S2                Keep out of the reach of children

S3                Keep in a cool place

S4                Keep away from living quarters

S5                Keep contents under ... (appropriate liquid to be specified by the manufacturer)

S6                Keep under ... (inert gas to be specified by the manufacturer)

S7                Keep container tightly closed

S8                Keep container dry

S9                Keep container in a well-ventilated place

S10              Keep contents wet

S11              not specified

S12              Do not keep the container sealed

S13              Keep away from food, drink and animal foodstuffs

S14              Keep away from ... (incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturer)

S15              Keep away from heat

S16              Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking

S17              Keep away from combustible material

S18              Handle and open container with care

S20              When using do not eat or drink

S21              When using do not smoke

S22              Do not breathe dust

S23              Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapour/spray (appropriate wording to be specified by the manufacturer)

S24              Avoid contact with skin

S25              Avoid contact with eyes

S26              In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice

S27              Take off immediately all contaminated clothing

S28              After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of ... (to be specified by the manufacturer)

S29              Do not empty into drains

S30              Never add water to this product

S33              Take precautionary measures against static discharges

S35              This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe way

S36              Wear suitable protective clothing

S37              Wear suitable gloves

S38              In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment

S39              Wear eye/face protection

S40              To clean the floor and all objects contaminated by this material use ... (to be specified by the manufacturer)

S41              In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes

S42              During fumigation/spraying wear suitable respiratory equipment (appropriate wording to be specified by the manufacturer)

S43              In case of fire use ... (indicate in the space the precise type of fire-fighting equipment. If water increases the risk add - Never use water)

S45              In case of accident or if you feel unwell seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible)

S46              If swallowed, seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label

S47              Keep at temperature not exceeding ... °C (to be specified by the manufacturer)

S48              Keep wet with ... (appropriate material to be specified by the manufacturer)

S49              Keep only in the original container

S50              Do not mix with ... (to be specified by the manufacturer)

S51              Use only in well-ventilated areas

S52              Not recommended for interior use on large surface areas

S53              Avoid exposure - obtain special instructions before use

S56              Dispose of this material and its container at hazardous or special waste collection point

S57              Use appropriate containment to avoid environmental contamination

S59              Refer to manufacturer/supplier for information on recovery/recycling

S60              This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste

S61              Avoid release to the environment. Refer to special instructions/safety data sheet

S62              If swallowed, do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label where possible

S63              In case of accident by inhalation: remove casualty to fresh air and keep at rest

S64              If swallowed, rinse mouth with water (only if the person is conscious)


Combination 组合短语

(S1/2)           Keep locked up and out of the reach of children

S3/7             Keep container tightly closed in a cool place

S3/7/9          Keep container tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated place

S3/9/14        Keep in a cool, well-ventilated place away from ... (incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturer)

S3/9/14/49   Keep only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place away from ... (incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturer)

S3/9/49        Keep only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place

S3/14           Keep in a cool place away from ... (incompatible materials to be indicated by the manufacturer)

S7/8             Keep container tightly closed and dry

S7/9             Keep container tightly closed and in a well-ventilated place

S7/47           Keep container tightly closed and at temperature not exceeding ... °C (to be specified by the manufacturer)

S8/10           Keep container wet, but keep the contents dry

S20/21         When using do not eat, drink or smoke

S24/25         Avoid contact with skin and eyes

S27/28         After contact with skin, take off immediately all contaminated clothing, and wash immediately with plenty of ... (to be specified by the manufacturer)

S29/35         Do not empty into drains; dispose of this material and its container in a safe way

S29/56         Do not empty into drains, dispose of this material and its container at hazardous or special waste collection point

S36/37         Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves

S36/37/39    Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection

S36/39         Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection

S37/39         Wear suitable gloves and eye/face protection

S38/2           In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment and stay away from children

S47/49         Keep only in the original container at temperature not exceeding ... °C (to be specified by the manufacturer)

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