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  • 强氧化剂的危害
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  • 氮气的危险及防范
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  • 管帽和堵头-最后的防线
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  • 危险物料的储存与运输
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  • 工作场所危害与防范-蒸汽
  • 工作场所危害-登高作业

Slips, trips, and falls constitute the majority of general industry accidents. They cause 15% of all accidental deaths, and are second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatalities. Management should implement fall protection and fall prevention programs to protect employees.


Falls from evaluated locations account for the majority of deadly falls. Companies must identify fall hazards and implement effective fall prevention programs and fall protection systems to protect employees. The primary action is to eliminate fall hazards. The US Department of Labor reports that falls are one of the primary causes of occupational death. When an employee is working at a height of four feet or more, the employee is risking a fatal fall: fall protection and fall prevention programs are required. Fall protection must be provided at four feet in general industry, five feet in maritime and six feet in construction. Fall protection is also required when an employee is working over dangerous equipment or machinery.


The following activities within the chemical supply chain involve working at height: Transport, Warehousing, Tank Cleaning and Repair stations, transfer terminals and depots at which the following activities are carried out:  Loading/Unloading of bulk or packaged goods, Top loading/unloading, opening/closing of covers/valves, connections/disconnections, sealing, sampling etc.

化学品供应链中下列活动会涉及登高作业:运输,仓储,罐车清洗维修站,转运站和仓库,其中所进行的作业包括:装载/卸载散装或包装货物,顶部装卸, /阀的打开/关闭,连接/脱离,密封,取样等

Directive 2001/45/EEC Of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 amending Council Directive 89/655/EEC concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work (second individual Directive within the meaning of Article 16(1) of Directive 89/391/EEC).  


Site Management are legally required to undertake and document the Working at Height risk assessment. It is recommended that all risk assessments associated with working at height are performed by competent personnel who are trained in risk techniques and assessment.  These risk assessments should identify the critical activities in the supply chain and shall: 

• Identify all risks and hazards for each activity

• Where possible, eliminate the risk through not working at height

• Where  it  is  not  possible  to  eliminate  the  risk,  identify  proportionate  risk  management measures

• Identify the severity of the risks for each activity by the use of a Risk Matrix

• Identify persons who may be involved in the work associated with identified risks 

Any risk assessment should be documented, retained and periodically reviewed  

法规要求 现场管理工作对登高作业进行风险评估并予以记录备案。法规与登高作业相关的所有风险评估工作由具备资质、并受过风控技术和风险评估培训的人员担当。风险评估需明辨供应链中关键作业活动,并应,

l  明确每项活动的所有风险和危害

l  在可能的情况下,避免登高作业以消除风险

l  如果不可能消除此类风险,确定等比例的风险管控措施

l  通过使用风险列表确定每项活动中风险的严重程度

l  认定可能从事此类已辨识风险相关的工作的人员



The main way to ensure safety is to avoid the need to get on top of the vehicle in the first place. – Measures should be undertaken to ensure this. The hierarchy of control should establish, the action to be followed to determine the most safe and practical method to be used: 

确保安全的主要方法首先是避免需要在车顶的登高作业。 - 应采取措施确保这一点。管控层次应该确定要采取的行动,以找出可采用的最安全和实际的方法:

1. Where access to the top of vehicles cannot be eliminated, fixed gantries should be provided at loading and discharge facilities that incorporate secure fencing on all sides of the high level working position from which a person could fall.  Where a fixed gantry loading/unloading is not reasonably practicable, and vehicle top access cannot be eliminated, ensure that secure fencing is provided to all sides of the walkway or load platform of the vehicle. A possible way to achieve this is the use of mobile gantries to access working at height areas. These have the advantage of being less expensive than fixed gantries and can be manufactured to cater for both tanker and packed goods operations.




2. Use of personal fall restraint or fall arrest systems should be seen as the last resort, or used as an interim solution, pending application of the points above and then only if all of the previous control measures are not reasonably practicable. Where used, rigorous controls and training measures need to be applied to support this.

Safety harnesses must be included in the personnel protective equipment which the driver needs to have on board the vehicle at all times.

The fitment of a “safety rail” should not be seen as a safe means of working at height, but merely as a guide to the edge of the vehicle. It is also a means for the driver to use when moving forward on the vehicle. The use of the handrail to affix a safety harness onto is considered unacceptable as the strength of the handrail will NOT support a person if they happen to fall.




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