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无组织散逸排放 Fugitive Emmission

Fugitive emissions are emissions of gases or vapors, especially VOC, from pressurized equipment or unpressurized open sources due to leaks and other unintended or irregular releases, mostly from industrial activities. As well as the economic cost of lost commodities, fugitive emissions contribute to air pollution and climate change. In addition to the effects of air toxics, fugitive emissions generate raw materials for photochemical smog, greenhouse effect, and ozone depleting.


A detailed inventory of greenhouse gas emissions from upstream oil and gas activities in Canada for the year 2000 estimated that fugitive equipment leaks had a global warming potential equivalent to the release of 17 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide, or 12 per cent of all greenhouse gases emitted by the sector. Venting of natural gas, flaring, accidental releases and storage losses accounted for an additional 38 per cent.



2005年在欧洲进行的一项试点研究采用差分吸收光遥感法 (DIAL),在距生产设施几百米距离上遥测大气中烃类(碳氢化合物)浓度分布,结果显示,即使经过十多年的提升、改造,采用尽可能先进的技术和措施,炼化厂厂域内无组织排放量仍可达到炼化企业产量的0.17%




Fugitive emissions present other risks and hazards. Emissions of volatile organic compounds VOC such as benzene from oil refineries and chemical plants pose a long term health risk to workers and local communities.

Leaks, or Fugitive Emissions, from pressurized process equipment generally occur through valves, pipe connections, seals, pumps, mechanical seals, loading and unloading, storage tanks and vessels, road and rail tankers, and related equipment, such as vent-valves and relief-valves. Fugitive emissions also occur at evaporative sources such as waste water treatment ponds, open-end pipes, hoses, drums, containers, tanks, and tankers etc. These are generally scattered through tank farms, processing zones, loading & unloading bays, and waste storage & treatment area. Because of the huge number of potential leak sources at large industrial facilities and the difficulties in detecting and repairing such leaks, fugitive emissions can be a significant proportion of total emissions. Though the quantities of leaked gases may be small, gases, or VOC, that have serious health or environmental impacts can cause a significant problem. In situations where large amounts of flammable liquids and gases are contained under pressure, leaks also increase the risk of fire and explosion.


Because of the technical difficulties and costs of detecting and quantifying actual fugitive emissions at a site or facility, and the variability and intermittent nature of emission flow rates, emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) historically were only roughly calculated either as a figure based on throughput, or on the number of certain process-units in the plant multiplied by certain theoretical emission data. And the bottom-up estimates based on standard emission factors are generally used for annual reporting purposes.


Leaking / Non-Leaking Emission Factors

Emission Factor method requires components be screened using the EPA Method 21 for VOC leaks, which sorts out the major contributors of fugitive sources. Components whose reading show above 10,000 ppmv are multiplied by a leaking emission factor and which are less are multiplied by a non-leaking emission factor. The equation for estimating fugitive emission is given by:

Total Emission = [(Number of Components)* (Emission Factor)1] + [(Number of Components)2* (Emission Factor)2]

The emission factors are given in the following table.

排放因子估算法需要先按照美国环保暑EPA认定的21号方法Method 21筛查各种设备部件的VOC泄放率,并对无组织排放的主要祸首排序。泄放率大于10000ppmv的设备部件个数,乘以一个泄放排放因子,低于的则乘以非泄放排放因子。估算无组织排放量的公式为,

总排放量 = 泄放设备个数1 x 排放因子1 +泄放设备个数12x 排放因子2 …


Leaking and Non Leaking Average Fugitive Emission factors For The Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry (SOCMI)

合成有机化学品生产行业 SOCMI 泄放 / 非泄放平均无组织排放因子

Fugitive Emission Source 散逸排放源

Leaking 逸漏 (>10000 ppm)

Emission Factor排放因子 (lb磅/小时hr)

Non Leaking 逸漏 (<10000ppm)

Emission Factor 排放因子 (lb磅/小时hr)
泵密封Pump Seals  -  Light Liquids 轻质液体
泵密封Pump Seals  -  Heavy Liquids 重质液体
Valves ( in-line)  -  Gas 气体
Valves ( in-line)  -  Light Liquid 轻质液体
Valves ( in-line)  -  Heavy Liquid 重炙液体
安全泄放阀Gas-Safety Relief Valves
敞口管线Open-Ended Lines
取样接口Sampling Connections
- -
压缩机密封Compressor Seals


厂域内物料储罐区是无组织排放的主要来源,其排放量可能超过生产工艺区。储罐进料时,其内部的空气或物料挥发的饱和蒸气需要通过呼吸阀排出。日照高温下,罐内物料挥发加剧、罐内压力上升到一定程度,罐顶呼吸阀打开,部分饱和蒸气排出。夜间或温度下降时,罐内压力下降,罐顶呼吸阀反向打开,空气进入,平衡储罐内压。这种“呼吸”循环,反复频繁发生,使物料不断挥发、排出、损耗;使空气、水气不断进入储罐,形成潜在爆炸性气氛;更持续地产生着无组织排放。尽责尽心的企业应该、也完全可以对正压下挥发排出物进行回收液化 (Vapour Recovery),提供氮气等惰性气体对罐内负压进行补偿。






To minimize and control leaks at process facilities operators carry out regular leak detection and repair activities. Routine inspections of process equipment with gas detectors can be used to identify leaks and estimate the leak rate in order to decide on appropriate corrective action. Proper routine maintenance of equipment reduces the likelihood of leaks.

New technologies have soon revolutionized the detection and monitoring of fugitive emissions. One technology, known as Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL), can be used to remotely measure concentration profiles of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere up to several hundred meters from a facility. DIAL has been used for refinery surveys in Europe for over 15 years. A pilot study carried out in 2005 using DIAL found that actual emissions at a refinery were 10 to 20 times greater than the amount estimated using standard emission factors. The fugitive emissions were equivalent to 0.17% of the refinery throughput.

新技术很快就已经革新了对无组织排放的探测和监控。其中之一,称为差分吸收光遥感法 (DIAL),可被用作在距生产设施几百米距离上遥测大气中烃类(碳氢化合物)浓度分布。DIAL在欧洲用于炼化企业调查已有十五年以上。2005年进行的一项试点研究发现炼化厂的实际排放量比用标准排放因子估算的量大1020倍。无组织排放量相当于炼化企业产量的0.17%  

An identified problem with emission factor calculations is that they assume all equipment is operating as designed, they do not include some major release areas, and the leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs typically do not measure tanks and difficult to access plant areas. Whole plant measurements can identify problem areas that are not being monitored and allow them to be addressed. Direct measurement of plant emissions is a way to identify areas for improvement, not necessarily a replacement for emission factor estimations. The issue should not be framed in an either/or fashion.

排放因子计算法已知的问题在于,其假定所有设备都按设计运行,且不包括某些主要的泄放区域 泄漏检测修复LDAR工作一般不检测储罐,以及难以进入的工厂区域。全厂域监测可以发现尚未监控的问题区域,并加以指正。直接测量厂域泄放是识别待改进领域的一个方法,但不一定可以取代排放因子估算法。这个问题不能以非此即彼的方式看待。

The DIAL technique has been used extensively in Europe and more recently in Canada. As currently configured it uses both ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) lasers to measure criteria pollutants (NOx, SO2, and O3) and light aromatic (benzene, toulene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) in the UV, and methane and total hydrocarbon plumes in the IR. DIAL is capable of providing a 2-dimensional contour of concentrations across a scanning plane. By combining this concentration contour with separately obtained wind speeds, a contaminant flux can be calculated. The DIAL system has been validated in European studies for hydrocarbon emissions. Estimated fluxes obtained by the DIAL system are generally assumed to be conservative.

DIAL技术在欧洲已被广泛应用,近来,在加拿大也逐步推广。按目前配置,使用紫外与红外激光,用紫外谱段测量关键污染物(氮氧NOx, 硫化物SO2, 和臭氧O3),以及轻烃 (苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯),用红外测量甲烷及总烃。DIAL能够生成所扫描平面上两维浓度分布图。通过综合此浓度分布图及另行获取的风速值,可以计算污染流。DIAL系统在欧洲研究中已验证可用于烃类排放。通过DIAL系统获得的污染流估算值,一般认为还比较偏保守。

Portable gas leak imaging cameras are also a new technology that can be used to improve leak detection and repair, leading to reduced fugitive emissions. The cameras use infrared imaging technology to produce video images in which invisible gases escaping from leak sources can be clearly identified.


The camera has been very effective in locating large hydrocarbon releases from hard to access places. It does not detect all chemicals, nor does it speciate or quantify them. Releases under 500 ppm are generally not detectable. The camera can be combined with a passive FTIR system that together provide a visual of where the release originated as well as its chemical composition and concentrations.



By the late 1990s, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency determined refineries were under-reporting emissions by a significant amount, thus indicating that LDAR programs were not achieving the desired results. As such, a need was identified for enhanced programs that proactively seek out and eliminate leaks. Between 1998 and 2008, non-compliant facilities were required to institute formal LDAR programs with dedicated management. Today they are required to implement enhanced LDAR programs that call for the use of certified low-leak valves and sealing technologies.


Monitoring requires the use of Method 21, with a toxic vapor analyzer and data logger, and varies with the type of equipment – monthly for pumps and agitators, quarterly for valves and closure devices on open-ended lines, and annually for piping and equipment connectors. Levels of leakage requiring remedial action also vary – 250 PPM for valves, closure devices and connectors, 500 PPM for pumps, and 2,000 PPM for agitators. To quickly detect large leaks well in excess of allowable levels, the EPA adopted the Alternative Work Practice, which employs optical imaging technology such as handheld infrared cameras that allow users to see fugitive emissions. However, this technology does not quantify leaks, so annual Method 21 surveys are still required.

要求采用21号方法Method21进行监控,采用气体检漏仪和数据记录仪,按不同设备种类进行 泵和搅拌器,每月检测;阀和管线盲板,每季检测;管线和设备接口,每年检测。要求安排补救措施的最低泄漏量值也各为不同 阀、盲板、接口,为250ppm;泵为500ppm,搅拌器为2000ppm。为快速侦测大的泄漏点以防其严重超标,EPA允许替代工作法,即采用光学成像技术比如手持式红外成像仪,以便用户直观无组织排放点。但,此技术不能确定泄漏量,21号方法Method21巡检还是需要的。

Initial attempts to repair such leaks must be made within five days of detection, and final attempts within 15 days. If a component cannot be immediately repaired or removed from service, it may be put on a delay-of-repair list subject to EPA inspections.



Equipment Factors

As noted, Enhanced LDAR programs mandate equipment upgrades, replacement and improvement, and also require the use of certified low-leak valves and sealing technologies. With these requirements comes a dramatic reduction in acceptable emission levels from 500 PPM under conventional LDAR to 100 PPM under Enhanced LDAR.


With the EPA estimating 60% of fugitive emissions from pipe networks being attributed to valves, emissions control products have become a primary focus for valve and valve packing manufacturers. Recent consent decrees are requiring emission limits for valves and packing to remain below 100 ppm for five years.


The terms we must all become very familiar with are “Certified Low-Leaking Valves” and “Certified Low-Leaking Valve Packing Technology” as defined by the EPA in many consent decrees.  And most recently the term “Low E Technology” has been added to this list. These definitions not only define performance parameters, but, require a written guarantee to be provided by the valve manufacturers and packing manufacturers, that the valve or packing will not leak above 100 ppm for five years;.  


New “Low E Technology” includes the above with the added requirement that the manufacturer has test documentation based on accepted engineering practices that documents life cycle and emissions performance.


Enhanced LDAR calls for valve stem packings leaking in excess of 250 PPM to be replaced with low-leak technology within 30 days or at the next scheduled maintenance outage. If leaking between 100 PPM and 250 PPM, they must be repaired or repacked annually per a set of equations.


Enhanced LDAR programs also address leaking flanged, threaded, compression, cam-lock and quick-connect connectors. These components do not require warranties and test reports, but like valves are subject to repair and replacement. Connectors found to be leaking at or above 250 PPM must be brought under 250 PPM within 30 days of detection.


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